Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ode to My Blanket

Worn and ragged, soft and cuddly
always by my side, early in the morning or late at night
old seams, new seams
faded yet still mostly white.
Young days to old days
happy days to sad days,
short nights, sick nights, long nights, and even sleepless night,
all days and nights.
My blanket forever by my side.



  1. I thoroughly enjoy this, you really capture the feel of an old comfortable blanket.

  2. I love this! It makes me want to go snuggle in my own bed :)i love the part when you say "short nights, sick nights, long nights, and even sleepless nights" A blanket is a comfortable thing both physically and mentally in some ways.

  3. I'd love to know more about its history. Is this your childhood blanket? What rites of passage has it gone through?
